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Here's what students say about tutoring!
"The most valuable thing I received from the Tutoring center was someone having my back. I was so stressed and worried I was not going to pass my class, but once I started with my tutor my whole semester turned around. I am so thankful!"
"I have worked with Rachel, Sarah, Stephanie, and Beth. I grew fond of my tutors very quickly because they created a safe and interactive environment since the first day I met them. They listened attentively and really helped using how I learned best which was utilizing the whiteboard and drawing things out. They have never made me feel dumb or embarrassed about what I didn’t know as well as the pace that I was learning. They explain everything so clearly. I don’t know what I would have done without them, they’re super awesome in every way!!"
"Working with Elias was awesome :) He was very understanding of how far behind I was due to missing classes and helped reassure me. He was also very knowledgeable in CHM 115 and was more than willing to explain different subjects in a way I understood them best."