Laker Impact Series: MyPath

Upcoming Laker Impact Series

MyPath Class Registration - Required for all academic years

 Get information key to understanding priority registration, how to create and plan out future semesters, and use MyPath.


Freshman - February 25th @ 6pm

Sophomores - February 25th @ 7pm

Juniors - February 26th @ 6pm

Seniors+ - February 26th @ 7pm

Makeup - February 27th @ 6pm

Where: Hosford Football Center Classroom 


Interested in being part of the Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy? See the attached link for more details:

GVSU SAW-D Student Athlete Wellfare and Development

L.A.K.E.R.S. Guiding Principles

Leadership: Prepares student-athletes by creating an environment where they are able to develop and maximize their leadership skills.
Access: Provide student-athletes access to opportunities that will assist their growth academically, athletically, socially, and professionally.
Knowledge: Educate and encourage student-athletes to embrace the opportunity to perform at the highest level possible creating lifelong learners.  "Knowledge is power."
Excellence: Instill a sense of excellence in all that we do.
Responsibility: Educate and encourage student-athlete to be responsible individuals in their lives, professions, and societies.
Service: Create and encourage student-athlete opportunities for service to others.

Page last modified February 24, 2025