Program Types

Study abroad is an opportunity for GVSU students to take courses towards their degree in another country. There are program options for every major and minor at GVSU in every region of the world! Below is a description of the different types of programs you can participate in as a GVSU student. 


Faculty-led programs typically range from 2-8 weeks and take place during the spring/summer semester. Students will travel and take courses with a GVSU faculty member and a group of students. Non-GVSU Students are welcome to apply. Please view the page for more information.  

Programs Running in 2025

Browse Programs


Grand Valley has partnerships with institutions around the world. Students have the opportunity to take courses at these institutions during a semester, summer, or year abroad.

Browse Programs


Students may choose to participate in an external program sponsored by another institution or study abroad organization. While participating in an provider program, you will maintain your GVSU student status, earn credits toward your GVSU degree and have access to your GVSU financial aid package. 

Learn more about Provider Programs and discounts for GVSU students. 

Browse Programs

GVSU Signature Programs


Provider - GVSU Signature Programs

Grand Valley State University has partnered with WorldStrides to offer signature study abroad programs in Spain, Costa Rica, and South Korea.

Students may choose to participate in an external program sponsored by another institution or study abroad organization. While participating in an provider program, you will maintain your GVSU student status, earn credits toward your GVSU degree and have access to your GVSU financial aid package. 

GVSU Signature Programs


There are multiple avenues for pursuing an internship abroad. Students can complete a credit-bearing internship through a provider), credit-bearing, or do a study abroad and internship combination. 

Internships Abroad Page

Browse Internship Programs

Independent Study

The options and opportunities for independent study projects are virtually limitless and may include: service-learning, research, volunteer, practicum, student teaching, or independently arranged internship. The Padnos International Center (PIC) has established a set of guidelines to follow in planning your independent study abroad experience.

Browse Independent Study Programs

Page last modified February 27, 2025